Så er det tid til endnu et Project Life spread, og jeg er nået til at uploade uge nr. 22.
It is time for another Project Life spread, so this time I want to show you week 22.
Venstre side: Det var hel helt almindelig uge, som startede med en dagvagt mandag
og total afslapning i sofaen om aftenen.
Endnu en helt almindelig ting var den obligatoriske tandbørstning før sengetid.
Jeg har fundet af at Fanta Exotic er stærkt vanedannende.
- og så har B. købt en nyt cool, rødt kamera.
Left side: A quite ordinary week started with a dayshift Monday and
totally relaxing in the sofa after having dinner.
Another totally ordinary thing. Toothbrushing before going to bed.
My daughter introduced Fanta Exotic to me, OMG this is highly addictive
and my DH bought himself an new COOL red camera.
Højre side: Vi fik en gang restebiks til aftensmad; kartofler, løg, en rest steg,
grønsager, en håndfuld Rucola - og så et spejlæg til - MUMS.
På arbejdet går jeg mest i et par Crocs. De har lige været en tur i vaskemaskinen.
B. forsøgte at reparere min computer, men det var totalt stået af,
hvilket betød at jeg måtte investere i en ny.
Right side: We had leftovers for dinner: potatoes, onions, roast, vegetables,
a hand full of Rucola, and finally fried eggs.
My workingshoes, a pair of Crocs, has been washed in the washing machine.
My DH is trying to fix my computer, unfortunately it did not work,
so I had to have a new one.
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Both left and right side of the spread |
De uger, hvor jeg har mange aftenvagter, får jeg sjældent taget ret mange billeder,
men de her givet et ret godt indtryk af en helt almindelig dag i vores hjem.
Well, I had many evening shifts during week no, 22, so I did not shoot many photos,
but the spread gives an impression of a quite ordinary week in our house.
Over at Week-2-Week the challenge is to "Include a food photo"
Jeg håber I hænger på med jeres project life, jeg er i gang med uge 26,
så jeg er stadig meget bagud.
Hope you are hanging on with your Project Life. See you!
Knus Kirsten
Hugs Kirsten
Beautiful layouts. I think it's wonderful to have an ordinary week to record :o)
SvarSletThat fanta looks wonderful. I haven't seen it here in the States.
Pretty pages, I like how you've added extra things to your cards to make them special.
SvarSletLove your pages and all the ordinary life stuff - this is what Project Life is all about. And how cool is that camera! Greetings from literally the other side of the world - South Africa
SvarSletSuch a pretty and colorful spread....I love all your pictures and never knew you can throw Crocs in the washing machine!! Thanks for joining us again at Week-2-Week.